There is so much snow and it's freezing out there. Nothing compares to watching the snowy view inside and enjoying the company of people that are so important to me. Latest weekends have been the best of my life. I have fully enjoyed winter: skating, snow angels, snowmobiles, baking gingersnaps, love... Next week I'm gonna snowboard, yahoo! =))
Enää reilu 40 päivää lähtöön. Alkaa jännittää ihan tajuttomasti. Oon menettäny jo parit yöunet matkaa miettiessä, hui. Viisumipaperit on lähetetty eteenpäin, kaikki valmistavat tapaamiset on käyty ja nyt pitäis muka jollain ihme konstilla pärjätä omillaan! :D Host perhe vaikuttaa ihanalta. Skypetystä ois tulevaisuudessa tiedossa, en malta odottaa!! :)) Koulumatka suunnilleen 4km.
Oon koko päivän selaillu kameroita. Ehkä mä viel keksin jonkun tarpeeksi hyvän, mikä sopii mun hintahaarukkaan.
Only about 40 days to go. I'm starting to freak out. I already have been up for a few nights because I'm thinking about it all the time, yikes. Paperwork for visa has been sent forward, every meeting is behind and now I should somehow manage on my own! :D Host family seems wonderful. We'll skype soon, can't wait!! :)) Distance between home and school will be about 4km.
I have browsed cameras today. Maybe I will find one that is good enough and fits to my price range.